ITF England had its first ever Masters’ seminar on 9th of November 2019. seven Masters took part in the seminar which covered fundamental movements and patterns, self-defence and sparring. The …
Regional News
“Girls who kick” a new idea to improve our quality of life
National Championship in Afghanistan
JAM-E Herat friendship events of Afghanistan ITF Taekwon-Do Senior and Junior National championship was held in Herat province JAM-E- HERAT FRIENDSHIP EVENTS of Afghanistan ITF Taekwon-Do Senior and Junior National …
Open Málaga 2019 Championship
This successful Taekwon-Do Event took place 2nd-3rd of November 2019 at the Polideportive Ciudad Jardin Sports Hall. Open Malaga 2019 was attended by a high number of 25 Taekwon-Do Clubs …
Open Dutch – 2020
For more information, please download the following document: Invitation-English-Open-Dutch-2020
Seminar conducted by Oleg Pronevich in Latvia
By: Sergejs Saulite, IVdan President of All Latvian Taekwon-do Federation This year we have already organized a traditional seminar with successful and well-known taekwon-do athletes and coaches from abroad – …