HGM MacCallum turned 80 years old!
Saturday, December 17 2022 was a very special day for HGM Tom MacCallum. On this day, he celebrated his 80th birthday with his family and friends in Vienna. His children and grandchildren live in Vienna, Austria, so it was only natural to him that he and his wife visited the entire family to celebrate a big birthday.
HGM MacCallum is a familiar name to all ITF Taekwon-Doin worldwide. He worked for over twenty years as Under General Secretary and later as General Secretary in the ITF office in Vienna, Austria. He was probably the closest confidant of General Choi Hong-Hi who thought of him and his family even on his deathbed (quote): „I love Mr. Tom MacCallum. I have always worried if he might die before me. In case he dies first I have been thinking how to help his family. He has given special contributions to the ITF. I have no secrets to him. Thank you very much for what you have done. I love you!”
A greater praise from the founder of Taekwon-Do is hardly imaginable!
HGM MacCallum is also the only ITF Grand Master so far to have been awarded the distinction of Honorable Grand Master!
Last Saturday, we had the opportunity to wish him a happy birthday and best wishes for the upcoming Christmas and the New Year.
On behalf of the ITF Board!
GM Paul Weiler
ITF President

Wish you very very Happy Birthday Grand Master 🎁🎁🎁🎈🎁🎉🎉🎉🎉 God bless you