On Friday 23rd, November 2020, in Montevideo, Uruguay, was held the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Central and South American Federation of Taekwon-Do ITF. Were present, as special honor guests: Grand Master Paul Weiler, President of the ITF, the Grand Masters Héctor Marano, Guillermo Ramisch and Jorge Condomi, and the ITF Treasurer Sabum Nim Leo Oros Duek. With the participation of seven member countries represented: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, the new Board of Directors was elected for the period 2019-2023, thus being integrated as follows: Master Abelardo Rafael Benzaquen from Argentina is the new President; Grand Master Raul Sanchez from Brazil: Vice President; Sabum Nim Tulio Flores Aguilar, from Peru: Secretary; Sabum Nim Gabriel Colina from Uruguay is the new Treasurer; Master Omar Gustavo Merodio from Argentina, is the Tournament and Umpires Secretary; Sabum Nim Gustavo Livon from Guatemala, is the Technical and Instruction Secretary; Sabum Nim Brian Buck from Costa Rica, is the new Secretary of Ethics and Discipline.
The new Board of Directors thanks specially to GM Paul Weiler -ITF President- and to Sabum Nim Leo Oros Duek -ITF Treasurer- for their presence in the General Assembly as special honor guests.