DEADLINE: Sunday, October 22, 2023
The ITF is looking for candidates for the ITF Standing Committees for the term 2023-2027.
According to the ITF Statutes Art. 45 point 4, the chairperson and the members of the ITF Standing Committees are appointed by the ITF Board of Directors. To find suitable candidates, the ITF opens applications for all interested individuals with ITF membership.
In particular, the ITF is looking for chairpersons and members of all ITF Standing Committees:
- Appeal Tribunal – NEW
- Athletes Committee
- Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
- Business & Marketing Committee
- Children’s Development Committee
- Coaches Committee
- Development and Communication Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Do & Ethics Committee
- Grand Master Promotion Committee
- Harmony Committee
- Inclusion Committee
- Information Technology (IT) Committee
- Medical and Anti-Doping Committee
- Merger Committee – NEW
- National Association Committee – NEW
- Umpire Committee
- Technical and Instruction Committee
- Tournament Committee
- Women’s Committee
The candidates shall send their curriculum vitae, official photo in a suit (which, if elected to the committee, will be published on the website) and shall explain why they are interested in becoming a chairperson or a member of the specific committee taking into consideration the following: foreign language level, enthusiasm, experience, and knowledge.
The official letter to the ITF Member Associations with more details and requirements is attached.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates for members of the ITF Standing Committees are submitted by an ITF Member Association (Art. 45 point 4). Individuals must send their applications through their Member Association (formerly National Association, Allied Association, or Club Recognized).
Gracias por las informaciones