Organized by the club Sasok Taekwon-Do and a Taekwon-Do news site (Taekwon-Do Infoportál) in Hungary, Women’s day was celebrated on a small event built around topics which are focusing on health, strength, regeneration, especially from a woman’s point of view: core training, importance of guarding the spine, dietetics – especially from health and sports point of view, fascia training, and the benefits of aromatherapy in everyday usage.
The main feature of the event was that all teachers and presenters were women – most of them are with a background in Taekwon-Do.
The event was a huge success, even though it was organized quite late on Master Valérie Forget’s and the ITF’s suggestion, a next event is planned to be held for next year – on a lot bigger scale for more participants and even more interesting topics.
Thank you for your great effort, highlighting the importance of these events!
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Norbert Érseki