Master Abelardo Benzaquen (chair ITF Umpire Committee) and GM Gordon Wallace (member ITF Umpire Committee) were the instructors for the International Umpire Course (IUC) organized in Malaysia Taekwon-Do Federation (MTF) …
European Cup 2023 – Deadline for accommodation is approaching
Dear Members,The All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation and Polish Taekwon-Do Associaiton would like to remind that May 10th, 2023 is according to the invitation to the XII Open European Taekwon-Do Cup …
European Cup 2023 – Deadline for accommodation is approachingRead More
Southern Taekwon-Do Championships in Trinidad and Tobago
The recently held Southern Taekwon-Do Championships hosted by Trinidad and Tobago Taekwon-Do Federation was a resounding success, with 221 competitors from 17 schools across the island participating in both patterns …
Southern Taekwon-Do Championships in Trinidad and TobagoRead More
Theses of ITF Masters publicly available
In an endeavour to provide the wide knowledge of ITF Grand Master and Masters to all of our members, the ITF offers public and free access to many theses published …
IIC number 166, Campinas, Brazil
After thirteen years and organized by the Brazilian Taekwon-Do Association, between Saturday April 29 and Monday May 1, the IIC number 166 took place in the city of Campinas, São …
Contest for ITF Outstanding Personality Award 2023
To ITF Members, Based on the Policy on ITF Outstanding Personality Awards, in accordance with the decision of the ITF Executive Board of 19 April 2023, ITF announced the submissions of …