Cancelled – QIUC – Qualifyng Umpire International Course Russia 2020
QUIC Nº 36th Russia 2020 Official Invitation
QUIC Nº 36th Russia 2020 Official Invitation
The Organizing Committee of the IIC Costa Rica, attentive to the Coronavirus Pandemic that affects the world, has decided to cancel the event. Any news, will be communicated in a timely manner.
Get ready to be part of the new ITF leaders. For more information, please download the following document: 3rd ITF Leadership Camp's Information
Dear (grand)masters, instructors and competitors, We would like to invite you to the 11th Holland Cup on the 23rd & 24th of May in The Netherlands. The Holland Cup is …
The Organizing Committee of the Pan American Championship of ITF Tekwon-Do of Chile 2020, attentive to the Coronavirus Pandemic that affects the world, has decided to suspend the event. Its reprogramming is being considered, which will be communicated in a timely manner.
For more information, please download the following Document: 4th Asia Open Taekwon-Do ITF Championship 2020 - New Delhi, India - Invitation