Looking for the meaning of a brand, we will notice that the concepts that are most repeated in the definitions are that it is a name, a term, a sign, a symbol or design or a combination of all of them, which is attributed to something or someone with the objective of distinguishing and differentiating them from their associates and competitors and to denote quality or belonging.
From the above, we can highlight that a brand distinguishes, differentiates, and denotes quality and provides a sense of belonging.
The ITF brand does not only not avoid these concepts, but goes further.
Associated with the history of Martial Arts and Korea in general, and the personal history of the Father of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi in particular, the ITF brand embodies ancient history and Eastern mythology, represents a philosophy, a moral culture, a legacy for humanity.
In these times, this brand can well be considered as the representation of four facets, as a martial art, as a sport, as a way of life and as a tool for social, physical and mental development.
There is a reason Taekwon-Do is the most practiced martial art around the planet today.
However, even the Founder himself made clarifications to differentiate his art from the “imitators,” as he called them. It is here, then, when the ITF Brand, as an expression of the legacy of the creator of Taekwon-Do and its main Founder on March 22, 1966, becomes important and implies a responsibility.
It is here and now that we need to differentiate, distinguish and denote quality.
By following the original line of thought and continuing to develop study and training programs of technique, Do, and those special for children, older adults, people with special needs and elite athletes, we fulfill that vision of General Choi expressed in the phrases “Taekwon-Do is for everyone” and “it will evolve as far as science takes it.”
We build that brand together, the member Associations, the Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors and students, who with their daily work make the ITF grow, create an image, provoke emotions and expand its influence in the world.
And it is also among all of us that we must honor and protect it.
ITF Brand Protection
In Article 67 of the Statutes, under the title “ITF Logos & other Rights and assets of the ITF registered as Trademarks”, it is explicitly established that the Member Associations and, therefore, all their members considered individually, will ensure that only use ITF logos as established and in full compliance with branding guidelines.
For this purpose and as mentioned in the same article, the Board of Directors established these guidelines in the Branding Policy, from which all the indications arise for the correct use of the ITF logos and registered trademarks, appropriate use from a legal point of view and aesthetic but, above all, from an ethical point of view and in line with what was expressed above.

In recent years, a large investment has been made not only from the economic aspect, but also in individual contributions of time, effort, emotions, to protect it and to consolidate a positive impression of the ITF brand, to distinguish it above others, to increase loyalty, the sense of belonging and, finally, ensure that all its members become its defenders and contribute to that protection.
We invite all members of this great ITF Taekwon-Do family to read the Branding Policy and commit to it. Protecting the ITF Brand is protecting our own image, our school, our students. Protecting the ITF Brand is protecting ourselves. Please do your part.
Protecting the ITF Brand is everyone’s obligation. We urge everyone to do their part. It is everyone’s duty to do their part.
Let’s defend the ITF brand from misuse.
You can find the ITF branding policy in the Rules Section (https://itftkd.sport/rules/) and directly here:
very helpful, thanks.
Well done.