Hello from MacKenzie Taekwon-Do in Canada!
We had a fantastic day of classes on April 11, the 65th birthday of Taekwon-Do.
There were 112 students in attendance over three classes:
33 – Little Dragons
32 – White belt to Green stripe
47 – Green belt to Black belt
We were very honoured to have a very special guest join in for each class. Thank you very much to Grandmaster Pierre Laquerre for taking the time to share his knowledge and experience with us in each of the three classes. The students had no idea in advance and were very surprised to see him and some were meeting him for the first time.
It is so rewarding to have the opportunity to continue to train in Taekwon-Do and the enthusiasm of all of our students to continue on their path, even under the circumstances that we currently face.
Thank you everyone for helping keep the spirit of Taekwon-Do alive!
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Master Ken MacKenzie