With the participation of numerous countries from South and Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador) and Europe (England and Spain) and organized by the Taekwon-Do Union of Brazil on behalf of and with the authorization of the AA Brazilian Taekwon-Do Association (ABT), a new “talking among friends” was held on Saturday June 6.
The aim of this series of talks is to continue disseminating the Kids, Harmony and Adapted Programs during this period of the global Pandemic, so that more and more Instructors learn a little more about them.
As its name implies, it is intended to be a pleasant conversation between the members of the intervening Committees, Sabum Nim Fabián Izquierdo (Children’s Development Committee), Sabum Nim Gastón Casero (Harmony Committee), Sabum Nim Leonardo Oros Duek and Boosabum Nim Anabel Vicario (Inclusion Committee).
The conversation was officially opened by the president of the AA Brazilian Taekwon-Do Association (ABT), Sabum Nim Ricardo Ramírez and had the support and opening remarks by GM Héctor Marano, president of the Technical & Instruction Committee and was coordinated by the representative of Brazil, Boosabum Nim Silvia de Moraes, who is also working as a collaborator of the Children’s Development Committee in the administration of socialmedia.
During the two hours of the meeting, each Committee had twenty minutes scheduled to explain what the Program is, to whom it is directed and what are the tasks of the Committee in charge between others themes.
After that period, the space was opened to answer the questions that were asked beforehand during the registration.
The closing of the talk served to thank the presence, attention and participation of all the attendees, among whom the members and collaborators of the Ms. Marisol Vicario (Kids), Mrs. Mayervi Galindo, Mr. David Charlton and Mr. Eduardo Quinteros Committees stood out.