In this difficult times ITF Board of Directors is trying to do everything possible to as much closer to it’s members. According this policy there are regular meetings with ITF National leaders and committees members. May 13, 2020 a meeting for all Russian speaking countries was organized.
The meeting was leaded by four ITF Board Directors members:
President: Grand Master Paul Weiler.
Secretary General: Master Tadeusz Loboda.
Vice-president: Master Lazaros Tsilfidis.
Treasurer: Mr. Leonardo Oros.

Totally 11 countries was present: Latvia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Kirgizstan.
While Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan was not able to take part for various reasons this time.
ITF Board members made a report for the hard work that was done during one year after elections in Germany, explained about the events that was postponed, introduced the new comities and its members, explained the new projects, ideas, plans. Answered on questions.
Master Tsilfidis invited everyone to take part in on line lessons of Russian Taekwon-Do Federation, upcoming seminar with Coaches committee Chair Sbn. Adrian Byrne, and Sbn. Stephen Ryan and 20th Moscow Challenge cup. Also encouraged every one to invite each other for sport events, promote web pages, repost news, participate on line trainings.