On Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September ITF and the Africa Taekwon-Do Federation invited all African ITF member nations to an Online International Umpire Course for Africa. The aim was to develop qualified umpires for the African continent but also for World Championships and World Cups. It consisted of a 2-day period for a total of 10 hours and it was delivered in English.
The course was headed by the Chair of the ITF Umpire Committee, Grand MasterAbelardo Benzaquén.

Saturday’s session started with a welcome to all participants by the President of ITF, Grand Master Paul Weiler.
The first section about pre-staging for competition was held by Grand Master Rubén Suárez and the continuation of the 5 hours of Zoom course was under the instruction of Grand Master Benzaquén, where rules and regulations for Individual Sparring and Pattern bouts where covered.
Grand Master Weiler also took time to welcome the participants to Sunday’s sessions where both Grand Master Gordon Wallace and Grand Master Benzaquén took turns to cover Power breaking, Special techniques, Prearranged Sparring and Team events. During the 10 hours of the course all of the most important topics were discussed.
During both days there was always time for some Questions & Answer sessions, espeically after each segment and Sbn Jonathan Morris of the ITF African Development Team (ADT) continuously offered French translations on all pertinent issues. Also, Master Niklas Enander and Master David McNairn of the ADT were participating in this special online event.
We were very lucky and honoured to have four Grand Masters supporting and teaching during this course.
As several participants struggled with bad internet connections, the recorded Zoom course and background materials will be sent out to the participating instructors.

We all concluded that this first Online QIUC for Africa was a big success with more than 170 participants attending the course from 17 African countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Tanzania, Tunisia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zanzibar. This course shows once more the strength and continuous development of ITF in Africa.
We would like to thank the ITF Board of Directors and especially Grand Master Weiler as ITF President for their huge support in arranging this course to help ITF grow in Africa.
Grand Master Abelardo Benzaquén
Chair ITF Umpire Commitee
Master Niklas Enander
Leader ITF Africa Development Team
J’ai l’honneur de venir très respectueusement solliciter haute bienveillance de bien vouloir participer note pays Algérie au stage international d’arbitrage
On a envoyé plusieurs messages à monsieur le tunisien Adel adjili a propos de ce stage d’arbitrage international mais n’a répond pas aucune réponse
Alors en voulant participer à ce stage
Je porte à votre connaissance que on a des 1ère dan, 2ème dan, 3ème dan, 4ème dan
Dans l’attente veuillez agréer monsieur l’expression les plus distinguées.