The lnternational Taekwon-Do Federation expresses its deepest sorrow and concerns due to the present situation in Israel following the terrorist actions of Hamas.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of lnternational Taekwon-Do Federation and the Taekwon-Do community worldwide we would like to express our deepest sympathy, solidarity, and full support to the members of all our lsraeli members and their families and pray that they are ali safe and healthy.
In these extremely difficult times we join with all the families .. of the victims of the terrorist actions of Hamas in Israel in their pain and their prayers.
We hope that this war will soon be over, peace wil! be restored, and that Israel and its people will soon be able to live again peacefully.
The ITF core values call upon condemning any violence. The ITF philosophy held down by the Founding Father, General Choi Hong-Hi teach us that “Empathy is that attitude which consists in knowing how to place oneself in our fellow being’s position, especially when they are suffering. Such predisposition will always bring about positive deeds”.
Please also accept our sincere condolences for the tragically killed, wounded and kidnapped Israelí citizens.
Paul Weiler
Tadeusz Loboda
Secretary General