26th November 2022, Ipoh – Following an impressive outing in the recently concluded 8th ITF World Cup 2022, the Malaysian Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), aka MTF, again made the headlines when announced its new members that have joined our ITF Taekwon-Do fraternity.
- Master Paul James Monteiro – 7th Degree Black Belt (Melaka)
- Master Abang Ahmad Zaini – 7th Degree Black Belt (Sarawak)
- Sabum Faisal Mustaffa – 6th Degree Black Belt (Selangor)
- Sabum Salhi Ayan – 6th Degree Black Belt (Sarawak)
- Sabum Kamal Ghazali – 4th Degree Black Belt (Kuala Lumpur)
- Sabum Nur Azza Farhana – 4th Degree Black Belt (Selangor)
- Sabum Nora Fairuz Syahirah – 4th Degree Black Belt (Selangor)
Ever since becoming a member, MTF has been working hard to rebuild ITF Taekwon-Do in Malaysia and around the region. MTF now have 13 out of 16 states and federal territories in Malaysia as their associate members, well above the requirements by the Sports Commissioner Office of Malaysia and expects to have full membership by 2023. MTF also managed to gather 178 participants from 11 countries during the 159th International Instructor Course (IIC) and rejuvenated the collaboration between the members in the region. The committee have also built MTF to be a transparent, efficient and well-governed National Association. The result of that is that MTF has applied for more than 70 international instructor certs, 540 black belt certs and 403 teaching plaques in just the last 3 years.

During the recent meeting, the Executive Committee Members & State Chief Instructors of MTF unanimously accepted the application of the Sarawak Global Taekwon-Do Association (SGTA) to be an Associate Member of MTF. This is an important milestone because Sarawak is the largest state of Malaysia and is located on northwest Borneo Island where the presence of ITF Taekwon-Do was limited. Through the leadership of Master Abang Ahmad Zaini & Sabum Salhi Ayan, MTF believes it can further develop ITF Taekwon-Do in West Malaysia and potentially the Philippines & Indonesia.
Besides that, Sabum Faisal Mustaffa joined ITF Taekwon-Do because of MTF’s initiatives to promote authentic Taekwon-Do for all. Based in Selangor, Sabum Faisal who is the Chief Instructor for Synergy Taekwon-Do Club (STC), had more than 400 members and was also the former Secretary General of the Malaysian Global Taekwon-Do Federation (MGTF). He also stated that Master Najmi’s leadership and passion for ITF, whose children are still active in Taekwon-Do is another motivation for him to join MTF as his children are also ITF black belt holders.
A lot of things can be promoted through Taekwon-Do, including health, business, etc. MTF which is an affiliate of ITF, educates both the theory and practical aspects of Taekwon-Do comprehensively, something that I have been looking for more than 30 years.
After joining MTF, I have the feeling of being accepted and surrounded by great Taekwon-Do practitioners. I was also very pleased to receive my international certificates through MTF within a short period.
Sabum Faisal Mustaffa – 6th Degree Black Belt – Chief Instructor, Synergy Taekwon-Do Club (STC)
Along with Sabum Faisal, two sisters who were former members of MGTF, Sabum Nur Azza & Sabum Nora Fairuz, also joined MTF earlier this year. They are prominent women instructors that teach Taekwon-Do on a full-time basis in northern Klang Valley, the central region of Malaysia with the highest population. Both of them are part of MTF’s initiative to develop more women coaches & athletes in Malaysia.
As the Director and Head Instructor of Alpha Taekwon-Do Academy in the capital of Malaysia and former Secretary General of Ally’s International Taekwon-Do Martial Arts, Sabum Kamal Ghazali also decided to join ITF Taekwon-Do because he believes MTF is the right platform for Taekwon-Do practitioners to develop their full potential. He finds MTF to be a transparent organisation that is not obsessed with financial and material gains, which are important criteria to govern a national sports association in any country.
As the director of Alpha TKD Academy, it is my responsibility to guide my assistant instructors and students along the right path. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I feel motivated and enthused to join more activities by MTF in the future and be a better Taekwon-Do instructor.
Sabum Kamal Ghazali
4th Degree Black Belt
Chief Instructor, Alpha Taekwon-Do Academy
Armed with this remarkable progress, MTF look forward to ending 2022 and embracing the new year on a positive note. The ITF congratulates MTF for their achievements and wishes them the very best for their future endeavours.