At the Annual Meeting held on January 19th, 2020 the Irish Taekwon-Do Association has launched the new ITA Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023.

The document is outlining ITA key goals and objectives for the next four years, as decided by ITA members.
In this matter ITA is for sure an example for the ITF Members. Thanks to the fact that Irish Taekwon-Do Association” is working strategically it is an organization that in a very short time has received the recognition of the Sport Ireland, the authority tasked with the development of sport in Ireland.
“It is with great pride that I introduce to you, the 2020 – 2023 Strategic Plan for the Irish Taekwon-Do Association. Since the publication of our previous strategic plan, the ITA has grown from strength to strength and become recognized as a benchmark for quality among the ITF Taekwon-Do community at home and abroad . (…) This strategic plan builds on the successful projects completed to date and sets the course for the coming years so that we can look forward with confidence and purpose.” – said Master Kenneth J Wheatley, ITA President in his foreword letter at the beginning of the document.
The documents can be downloaded from the ITA Website available under the link:
The 1st ITA Strategy Plan was launched in 2011. Today it is still possible to download the document from the website of the All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation under the link:
Should you have any questions in relation to ITA strategic plan please contact the ITA Secretary General Mr. Stephen Ryan at the email address: [email protected]