Three years since the elections in Inzell, it is fair to say that there has been a fresh start in the ITF that cuts across all areas. From the establishment of more committees and the creation of ad hoc teams, to the redesign of the ITF website and data system, to the registration of the ITF in Switzerland, many areas have been turned upside down or restructured. Along with this, new projects were successfully started, such as: Harassment Policy, Concussion Policy, Adapted Program, Coach Education Program, new statutes and regulations, new electoral system and much more.
The Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge
The Covid pandemic, which began in November 2019, has been with us for two and a half years with no end in sight! In addition, travelling under these circumstances has always been and still is a health risk. Although our plans and activities were somewhat delayed at the beginning because we had to postpone or cancel almost all events, anyone who expected the pandemic to bring us to our knees was proved wrong. We rose to the challenge and did so successfully. Very quickly, the Board and committees had come to terms with the situation and offered most events that could not be held physically via internet platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. More than 3000 members worldwide took part in these events. New and almost historic were the Online World Cup 2020 with well over 800 participants and the Online World Cup 2021 with almost 500 participants. In addition, the committees offered many events which filled the calendar of activities. Adjustments and innovations were made so that members were not disadvantaged by postponed or cancelled activities.
Teamwork as the basis of success
As already mentioned in my inaugural speech in Inzell, we all represent the ITF which include the whole board, committees, working groups, and of course the members. The collective work as a TEAM is and remains the basis of our success after the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong-Hi passed away.
In order to cope with the increasing workload, the Executive Committee presently meets weekly (with over 50 meetings to date). Along these same guidelines the full Board of Directors including the ITF General Counsel has had 25 meetings since Inzell, which translates to meeting held every 6 weeks. In addition, the Board of Directors and Committees are in constant communication with each other. As a result there has been increased membership (despite the pandemic), expansion of sponsorship contracts, necessary changes and additions to the statutes and rules and guidelines, etc.
The many positive feedbacks are motivation enough to continue on the chosen path.
At this point, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to our organisation’s ability to cope with the difficult times.
With respect
GM Paul Weiler
ITF President