Submitted by Mr Tim Telcik (Australia) and Mr Nick Lourantos (New Zealand).
IIC 160 was held on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia from Friday 04 to Sunday 06 November 2022. The event was conducted by Technical Committee members GM Ung Kim Lan, GM Paul McPhail with special guests GM Paul Weller and GM Michael Daher and was hosted by ITF Taekwon-Do Australia.
The event drew 118 ITF TKD members from across Australia (Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Townsville), plus New Zealand, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
But wait, there’s more…… by reading this so far the reader would think that this IIC was no different than any previous IIC events. There was a sea-change to the course content. Interleaved through the traditional teaching of pattern walkthroughs, step sparring, self-defence techniques, the instruction also covered the “Why”.
GM Weiler covered why we should perform safe core stability exercises based on his years of experience as a Physical Education teacher. GM Lan covered why we position ourselves closer or further away from your step sparring partner, why is the right hand in front of the left hand on certain crosses, and why we bring our hand to eye height. GM Daher presented the how and why self-defence practice that requires a real-life commitment to the attack and defence, otherwise neither partner learns.

GM McPhail interspersed teaching methodologies throughout all his classes, incorporating small group breakouts to practice instructing. Class members were then invited to give the group leader some feedback. That opportunity also taught effective ways for an instructor to correct students, such as using a “feedback sandwich”.
He also covered the 9 training secrets by asking participants to break into work groups then demonstrate to the other groups each of the five “physical” secrets. And in his final session entitle “The Language of Coaching” instructors learned how to better help their students improve with the use of external coaching cues.

Special congratulations to the two new Masters promoted at the IIC: Master Paul Harper (Australia) and Master Anthony Ng (Hong Kong). And congratulations also to Master Spiridon Cariotis who was promoted to 8th degree.
It was a successful event with a very positive vibe. This IIC signalled an exciting step forward in the evolution of the IIC.