From 22nd to 24th September 2020 GM Paul Weiler, ITF President and GM Frank Vanberghen, the Chairman of the ITF Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee came to ITF Administrative HQ in Lublin, Poland at the invitation of Master Tadeusz Loboda, ITF Secretary General.

The meeting was scheduled long time ago but due to the covid-19 the visit was postponed and finally happened in September.
One of the aims of the visit was to check the new office of the ITF after moving it from Spain to Poland, as well as to become acquainted with the duties of individual employees of the office and the specific of their work.
The main goal of the meeting was to get to know the current accounting system of ITF, the way of control of the realization of the ITF budget, security systems as well as communication between the ARC Committee, the accountancy section in ITF HQ and the Acode Abogados, the ITF financial adviser in Spain.
Grand Master Vanberghen presented also the report and several questions of his Committee referred to the current but also to the previous ITF administration. The questions were discussed.
The meeting was also the opportunity to speak about the upcoming ITF Congress Online as well as other important matters of ITF. Many comments and opinions were exchanged about the cooperation of the office with the Management Board and other stakeholders.
In the meantime, an online meeting took place with participation of Ms. Heli Karjalainen the Head and Mr. Mikko Allinniemi, the Member of the Organizing Committee of the ITF 2021 World Championships in Finland, Master Coos v/d Heuvel, the Chairman of the ITF Tournament Committee as well as Master Harry Vones, the Chairman of the ITF IT Committee, to discuss the preparations and to monitor the organizational situation in face of covid-19. Other meeting will follow soon in this area.
GM Weiler and GM Vanberghen had also opportunity to visit the facilities of Zdzislaw Niedziela’s Sporthall, where the Polish Taekwon-Do Association is planning to organize the 149th International Instructor Course from 27th to 29th November 2020.
Due to the beautiful whether the guests had also an opportunity to take a short walk through the Lublin old town.
Also Master Jerzy Jedut the Secretary General of All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation as well as the President of Polish Taekwon-Do Association joined the meeting for a while.
At the end GM Weiler thanked Master Tadeusz Loboda and his Team at the office for their very good work, good atmosphere and the hospitality during the last 3 days. He underlined that the communication, transparency and team work are the most relevant for the future success of ITF.
*It Is Good Jobs And Great Works Keepup!!
with Regards