#Together Apart In the past two months, New York City quickly became the epicenter of COVID-19 in the United States—and within N.Y., our own neighborhood has been hit especially hard! …
Regional News
65th Taekwon-Do Anniversary in Peru
In these times where the world seems to have stopped due to Covid19, many of us keep moving forward, adapting ourselves to the current situation. Due to this reason, a …
The 65th birthday of Taekwon-Do special class
Hello from MacKenzie Taekwon-Do in Canada! We had a fantastic day of classes on April 11, the 65th birthday of Taekwon-Do. There were 112 students in attendance over three classes: …
Xth Siberia Cup
It’s a great pleasure to see the results of your work. Projects that started decades ago keep progressing and becomes legendary. Siberia Cup is one of them. On 14-15, March …
A women’s day in Hungary
Organized by the club Sasok Taekwon-Do and a Taekwon-Do news site (Taekwon-Do Infoportál) in Hungary, Women’s day was celebrated on a small event built around topics which are focusing on …
A women’s day in Canada
Another good initiative, this time from Canada. JC’s Tae Kwon-Do, Amherst NS celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8th. We are small but mighty group of young women promoting women in …