Dear GMs, Masters, Instructors & Black Belts, On behalf of the Organizing Committee for the 102nd ITF IIC, I would like to thank all the participants who traveled to …
Institutional News
Honorary Diploma of Black Belt to Pope Francis
We are honored and pleased to announce that Pope Francis gladly received the honorary diploma of ITF Black Belt from the hands of Grand Master Armando Grispino who visited the …
New ITF Board Elected at ITF Congress, Jesolo, May 29th
A new ITF Board was elected at ITF Congress, Jesolo, Italy May 29th 2015 The newly elected board is: President Grandmaster Trajtenberg Senior Vice President Master Weiler Vice President Grandmaster …
New ITF Board Elected at ITF Congress, Jesolo, May 29thRead More
World Championships Daily Schedule
Here is alink to the daily schedule of the ITF World Championships, Jesolo Italy, May 26th 31st 2015. World Championships Daily Schedule
IIC 101, Regina, Canada – Report
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada was the host province for the 101st IIC. The seminar instructors were GM Bos, GM Lan and Master Norman all members of the ITF Technical Board. In …