To ITF Members Dear Members, We hope this email finds you well. Please find attached the ITF Newsletter Issue 2 (July-September) in English and Spanish language. This newsletter is a …
Institutional News
Sad Passing of GM Sutherland
With deep regret we have learned today of the death of GM Sheena Sutherland.The TKD world loses a strong personality that has dedicated its life to TKD. She was a …
Visit of the ITF Lebanon representation at the ITF Secretary General office.
10th of September 2019 representation from International Taekwon-Do Federation – Lebanon composed of Master Gaby Abousleiman – its president and Miss Agnieszka Mazur – ITF Lebanon office assistant visited International …
Visit of the ITF Lebanon representation at the ITF Secretary General office.Read More
IUC 31 Germany
IUC November 2019 in Germany From 23rd to 25th of November 29, 2018 – 140 black belts, instructors, coaches and Umpires from 30 nations attended the ITF International Umpire Course …
Communication from GM Weiler
Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and ITF members, Greeting from Germany! I hope this message finds you and your families in good health. After serving as Senior Vice President of …
IIC Paris Report
IIC Paris, 2016 Report The very first International Instructor Course in France was held on 26 and 27 of November, 2016. This historical event was organized by the Association Taekwon-do …