6th NI-KKO ROMA OPEN TAEKWON-DO ITF 2022 that will be held in Rome, Italy, on March 19, 2022
It includes that kind of communication, information, report, knowledge or idea about an event or fact which, due to its importance for the organization, deserves to be kept in a place of notable visibility or prominence within the website.
2021 European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships in La Nucia, Spain
Dear Grand Masters, Masters, instructors, competitors, La Nucia, (Spain) will be the place where the “2021 European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships” will be held. The championship will be from November 23 …
2021 European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships in La Nucia, SpainRead More
Official ITF Statement (English and Russian)
“Recently our federation was unfortunately exposed to false declarations and defamatory statements made by Mr. Amanzholov, the provisionally suspended President of the NSFT (Kazakhstan).
Tips to keep #36: Master Valérie Forget
Every week, we will publish a short video with advice and suggestion from the ITF committee chairs for all of our members. Today, we present Master Valérie Forget, chair of …
The ITF continues to add government support
Today we took a very important step for ITF Taekwon-Do worldwide.
The Treasurer Leonardo Oros Duek was received by the Secretary of Sports of the Principality of Andorra, Mr. Justo Ruiz González who soon promised to recognize ITF Taekwon-Do as a sport in Andorra.
Meeting with ITF lawyers
As part of the updating work periodically carried out by the Executive Board, on July 5 our treasurer, Mr. Leonardo Oros Duek, had his face-to-face working meeting in Madrid, Spain, with the lawyers of the Archori firm represented by the lawyer Bianca and Gonzalo Barboza.