The ITF is a proud member of TAFISA and the sport for all movement, the ITF shares TAFISA’s mission to bring bring joy, health, social interaction, integration and development to communities and citizens around the globe through the promotion of Sport for All and physical activity.
TAFISA’s Vision and Mission
To achieve an Active World by globally promoting and facilitating access for every person to Sport for All and physical activity.
TAFISA’s primary focus is on:
- Lobbying internationally for Sport for All,
- Providing and coordinating programs and events,
- Providing networking and experience transfer platforms.
To this end, TAFISA:
- Believes Sport for All & physical activity are basic human rights
- Supports promotion/development of traditional sports and games
- Sees Sport for All as a major contributor to individual, social, community and national life quality
- Supports international exchange and
- Supports education of leaders
- Cooperates with health, culture, education and recreation
- Assumes political leadership and provides practical events and programs
- Supports diversity, inclusiveness and member development