Уважаемые члены МФТ! Уже 6 месяцев пандемия Коронавируса приводит к тому, что все мероприятия МФТ переносятся или даже отменяются. Это очень прискорбно и трагично не только потому, что впустую была …
XXVIII ITF General Assembly
International Taekwon-Do Federation would like to inform that the XXVIII Congress – the Ordinary and the Extraordinary General Assembly 2020 will be held on Sunday, November 15th, 2020.
Delivery of plaques Honduras 2020
The ITF and the National Association of Honduras, even in times of Pandemic, continue to work together for the development and expansion of our beloved Taekwon-Do in the Country. The …
Don´t miss the E-Tournament
DEADLINE: 19th september 2020 Send your email to [email protected]
3rd meeting of the Business and Marketing Committee
The 3rd meeting of the Business and Marketing Committee was held on the 12th September 2020 with special guest Grand Master Paul Weiler. Members present were Dr. Sabum Olga Shurchkov (USA) …
3rd meeting of the Business and Marketing CommitteeRead More
Brief report about Technical Seminar in Afghanistan
ITF Technical Seminar held on 09th Sep. 2020 in Kabul City, Afghanistan. The purpose of the Seminar was the explanation about the capacity building of athletes. Hundred athletes participated from …
Brief report about Technical Seminar in AfghanistanRead More