The Organizing Committee of the IIC in Zurich, Switzerland, attentive to the Coronavirus Pandemic that affects the world, has decided to cancel the event. Any news, will be communicated in a timely manner.
The Organizing Committee of the Qualifying International Umpire Course Buenos Aires, Argentina, attentive to the Coronavirus Pandemic that affects the world, has decided to cancel the event. Any news, will be communicated in a timely manner.
The Organizing Committee of the European Championship 2020, attentive to the Coronavirus Pandemic that affects the world, has decided to cancel the event. Any news, will be communicated in a timely manner.
The Brazilian Taekwon-Do Association (ABT) has the honor to invite you to the Internacional Instructor Course (IIC) which will be conducted by the Technical Committee of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) under the direction of Grand Master Héctor Marano (Argentina) and Grand Master Ung Kim Lan (Germany). The course will be held on May 1st, …