IUC 21- Budapest

IUC - Budapest, Hungary Dates February 13-15, 2015. Place: Budapest, Hungary. Official Invite Application Form Please send your applications directly to our IUC Organizing Committee Chairman’s e-mail address: [email protected]. Thank you for your kind cooperation Best regards, Master László Harmat VIII. Degree President, Hungarian Taekwon-do Federation Mr. Peter Szasz V. Degree Chairman, Hungarian IUC Organizing Committee

Roma Open 2015

Sport Hall Palazzetto dello Sport Flaminio Piazze Apollodoro 10, Italia

Championships - Roma Open 2015 Date; 22nd February 2015 The ROMA OPEN TAEKWON-DO ITF Championship, organized by "Extreme Fighters Team", will be held on February 22nd, 2015 in Rome in the sports hall PALAZZETTO DELLO SPORT FLAMINIO, in Piazza Apollodoro 10, in the city heart. The complex is easy to reach from the city centre …

IIC 99- Trondheim, Norway

Rosenborghallen Stadsingenirr Dahls gate 1, Trondheim, Noruega

Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and students of Taekwon-Do We are pleased to invite you all to the 99th IIC in Trondheim Norway, 6-8 March 2015. The IIC will be conducted by: Grand Master Hector Marano, Chairman of the Technical Committee Grand Master Ung Kim Lan, Member of the Technical Committee Master Pierre Laquerre, Member of …

Sponsors Platinum

Adidas logo
Fuji Mae Logo
Grandmark Logo
Mightyfist Taekwon-Do
Top Ten Logo

Sponsors Silver

Pride logo
NI-KKO Fihting Style Logo

Sponsors Bronze

Martial Arts Depot logo

Global Partnership

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)
TAFISA Member logo
The International Council for Coaching Excellence
Peace and Sport