Kampala ITF Seminar 28-30 Dec 2020
Kampala ITF Seminar 28-30 Dec 2020 – Open for all students. Contacts: Eddie Alboho +256 702 415964 - realalboho@gmail.com Ramadhan Khaukha +256 706 181565
Kampala ITF Seminar 28-30 Dec 2020 – Open for all students. Contacts: Eddie Alboho +256 702 415964 - realalboho@gmail.com Ramadhan Khaukha +256 706 181565
Open for all ITF Black belts and Club Instructors. Conducted by ITF African Development Team member, Master Niklas Enander VII dan. Contacts: Eddie Alboho +256 702 415964 - realalboho@gmail.com Buchunju Sedulaki +256 701 820203 Ramadhan Khaukha +256 706 181565
During the next 5 and 6 January 2021, by Master Niklas Enander VII dan, a seminar and graduation exam will be held at the Police Training School Kabalye, in Masindi, Uganda. It is important to note that last year there were 5,000 students and that 9 of them will take the exam for the dan …
Conducted by: ITF Africa Development Team member Master Niklas Enander International Instructor VII Dan & A Umpier.Fundamental movements, Kicking, Dallyon, Sparring, Self-Defense. Contact: Maxvell Ogwang 0786-150 018E-Mail: langotkd@gmail.com+256394001411 / +256750503922
In collaboration with the Italian Taekwon-Do Federation FITAE-ITF, we invite you to the 6th NI-KKO ROMA OPEN TAEKWON-DO ITF 2021 that will be held in Rome, Italy, on February 20-21, 2021 according to the following daily program: Saturday, February 20th, 2020 – Juniors, Seniors and Veterans. Sunday, February 21st, 2020 – Children and Cadets. Please receive all the necessary to attend …
The ITF is proud to present the first Special Sparring Seminar. This Seminar created by the Athletes Committee will consist of 6 sessions Sparring zoom seminars. This event will be directed by Grand Masters, Masters and assistants from Europe. The seminar will be held on Saturday 27 February. It will consist of 6 sessions of …