Taekwon-Do as a tool of comprehension, acceptance, integration and social development.
General Choi Hong Hi made it clear: “Taekwon-Do is for everyone.”
Following that, we could add that his work, the Martial Art of his creation, does not repair in differences between any kinds
of people.
We are all equal before Taekwon-Do. However, it is necessary to emphasize that as human beings we all present different characteristics. Each one of us has particularities that make us unique. Not even the twins look the same.
We can state that it is possible to teach Taekwon-Do to everyone equally, being the way we are, having the characteristics
that we have, but this does not imply that the same results can be expected from everyone, nor in the same times.
Taekwon-Do, comprehensively understood (contemplating the physical, emotional, moral and mental aspect), is an excellent
means to collaborate with therapeutic treatments of support and early stimulation in people with disabilities.
The present content, then, has been and continues being developed to provide ITF Taekwon-Do instructors with a tool
which allows them to accept the diversity first, then to be able to understand, and thus to integrate into their classes people with certain disability, being it physical, cognitive, genetic or acquired.
While it is entirely based on scientific sources, both the language and the order of the different topics are presented in
a simple manner with the aim to facilitate their understanding, regardless the level of instruction of the reader.
The structure of these contents is based on giving answers to frequent questions and allowing the reader to become familiar
with that way of ordering. This is without prejudice of theincorporation of other extra contents or specific features of each
of the addressed pathologies.
What is it? Which are the characteristics? Can I work in Taekwon-Do with a person with this or that disability? How, in
what way? With what resources I will need to count for working? Which are the characteristics of a class for unconventional people? Etc.
These and others that will unfailingly arise from the reading or the work in itself are the questions intended to be answered in our Adapted Taekwon-Do Instructors Guide.
And here we want to stop at another key, the word Guide. It would result presumptuous and wrong to assume that the
content is a rigid prescription, which cannot be altered as it is applicable to everybody in the same way. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the content of our Program as a guide, in the sense of what directs or orientate.
Our goal is to contribute to build a better and more peaceful world through Taekwon-Do, because Taekwon-Do is for everyone.