Break as many boards as possible with only one hit.
Machines designed for the specific test will be used. The number of plastic boards for each item will be indicated in the Championships Official Invitation. Machines shall have a range of a minimum and maximum initial height that shall be written in the official championships invitation.
In power breaking it is permitted to step forward, to slide, skip and or jump.
However, a forearm guarding block must be adopted before and after each attempt to break the board(s).
For Sonkal Taerigi the strike may be either inward or outward.
A total time of two (2) minutes for Male and one (1) minute for female is allowed to set the correct heights for the power breaking items listed.

Male and Female Groups.
It is compulsory for each competitor to attempt, according to the mentioned order, all the items listed for his/her group. (Article 43 the ITF World Junior & Senior Tournament Rules & Regulations).
Junior and Senior
- Ap-Joomuk Jirugi
- Sonkal Taerigi
- Yop Cha Jirugi
- Dollyo Chagi
- Bandae Dollyo Chagi
- Sonkal Taerigi
- Yop Cha Jirugi
- Dollyo Chagi

Junior and or Senior – Team
Teams (5 competitors + 1 reserve) will perform items as indicated in Article 43 and the procedures in a.-c.-d.-e.-f.-g-h of the ITF World Junior & Senior Tournament Rules & Regulations. (Article 44) will be carried out.
Teams (3 competitors + 1 reserve) will perform items as indicated in Article 43 and the procedures in b.-c.-d.-e.-f.-g-h of the ITF World Junior & Senior Tournament Rules & Regulations. (Article 44) will be carried out.
Please see the full Bylaws: Championships Rules & Regulations