On Saturday, March 13, and Sunday, March 14, a series of conferences were held on the occasion of celebrating the month of women.
The ITF Women’s Committee convened 8 personalities to discuss such diverse topics that range from philosophy to nutrition and from the training process to solidarity.
On both days, the ITF president, GM Paul Weiler, was present, who mentioned the importance of the committee and the importance of each of the activities that it is carrying out.
Among other personalities present, there were also GM Héctor Marano, chairman of the Technical Committee, and Dr. Janel Gauthier, chairman of the Ethics and Do.
Master Annick Van Driessche as a member of the Board, gave the formal greetings and Master Valerie Forget, chairperson of the Women’s Committee, opened the sessions by introducing the speakers.
Both sessions were excellently conducted by SBN Brigitte Morris, a member of the Women’s Committee, and translated simultaneously into Spanish and vice versa.
On Saturday, they presented the Master Trân on the contribution of Taekwon-Do to the development and confidence of women; SBN Lisa Perry on training and pregnancy; SBN Patricia Garelick on the TKD Solidario project and SBN Soledad Serrano on meditation and its contribution to the competitor.
Sunday began with SBN Silvia Farigu on self-awareness and flowed through training; Dr. Guillermina Barat on high performance and health; the BSBN Alana Dacak on food and energy; and closed the SBN Maxine Noël on how to develop the mental aptitude to gain confidence.
World conference reflected part of this cycle’s success not only in the number of people who participated but also in the diversity of nationalities, a clear sign that issues of global interest are being addressed.
At the closing, SBN Brigitte Morris thanked the SBN Florencia Manifesto and Gerardo Rossel’s vital collaboration and the translation of the SBN Luciano Iriarte during the two days.
La conferencia estubo interesante abarco todas las areas sobre todo meditacion y la importancia a nivel mundia muy contenta sabonin pato x pertenecer a su escuela y agradecer todo lo q hace x tkd solidario a todas las maestro y sabonin taekwon!!!