The 179th International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) International Instructors Course (IIC) was held in Jamaica at the National Sports Complex, Kingston, from Friday August 23 to Saturday August 24, 2024. This IIC was organized and hosted by the Jamaica Taekwon-Do Association.

We are pleased to report that there was a total of 82 participants from around the world including Trinidad & Tobago, United States of America, Barbados, Canada, Dominica Republic, Anguilla, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. The environment was a lovely one with friendships being renewed. The participants were afforded the opportunity to enjoy the Jamaican culture, the food, the music and beautiful people and the beaches. The IIC sessions being conducted from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm daily. High praises were shared by participants on the quality which was presented for this IIC by the ITF Technical committee and the Organization Committee.

The IIC was conducted by the ITF Technical Committee members, Grand Master Hector Marano and Grand Master Ung Kim Lan. The course covered fundamentals of warm ups exercises, patterns, step sparring, sparring, self-defense and cool down exercises. During these sessions there were discussions on the “Do” and different way how we should integrate in our Taekwon-Do practice and our daily lives. This we should always remember as we embark and continue our martial arts training.
On Friday August 23, 2024 the participants had the pleasure of having dinner with the Grand Masters and Masters who were in attendance at the IIC. It was lovely to see also family and friends in attendance. This dinner was well received as there was a small program of acknowledgement of individuals, presentations, sharing of courtesies, integrated with love and great Jamaica food.

On the close of the IIC, the general feedback was very positive, comments and passion of enjoyment was shared. Participants from Jamaica who were doing their 1st IIC was overwhelmed with joy as this event gave a larger look at our Taekwon-do training and create an atmosphere for making new friends.
On Thursday August 22, 2024, there was a Masters testing where three (3) new Masters were promoted. All 3 Masters were from Jamaica. We congratulate Master Clement Officer, Master Joleen Masters and Master Gordon Black on their promotion. This too is a significant development milestone for the Jamaica Taekwon-do Association.

The Jamaica Taekwon-Do Association would like to thank the ITF Technical committee, the Masters, Instructors, Black belts, Participants, Family, Friends and Well-wishers who contributed in making this event such a beautiful and memorable experience. Nuff respect and One Love!

Best Regards,
Master Arthur Barrows
President – Jamaica Taekwon-do Association
Member – Jamaica 2024 IIC Organizing Committee
Awesome IIC, lots of take away from each aspect of the various training activities.