1st day – Friday, November 22, 2024
After the usual protocol, the various introductions and the greeting in memory of General Choi Hong Hi, GM Marano began with a leveling work of content and during the first hours he dedicated himself to sharing basic concepts related to the basic positions, the wave movement, correct breathing, the purpose of the stamping, among others.
All forms were addressed from Chon Ji to Choong Moo, but always putting emphasis on the basic issues.
In the first part of the afternoon it was the turn of Kids, led by M. Izquierdo, who after a historical review of the life of General Choi, the process of creation of Taekwon-Do until the appearance of programs especially dedicated to teaching children, went on to explain the importance of play as a teaching and learning tool in general and how different types of recreational activities can be included in the teaching of Taekwon-Do.
It is worth noting that the entire theoretical framework was accompanied by the implementation of games.
Due to the forced absence of Mr. Leonardo Oros Duek, Mr. Izquierdo, who actively participated in the creation of the Inclusion Committee and in the development of different materials, shared experiences and knowledge about the characteristics of Down Syndrome and provided details and recommendations when teaching classes for people with this condition.
In charge of M. Gastón Casero, this module was dedicated to sharing the process prior to the creation and development of the Program, passing through an express recognition to its promoter, the late GM Pablo Trajtenberg.
Later he made a presentation of the team that makes up the Harmony Committee, commented on the meeting modality and gave an overview of the projects they are working on.
After that, he explained what the program consists of, who it is aimed at and made clear the general conditions to begin teaching older adults and others.
In addition, he shared with the attendees the practice of numerous activities that allowed them to put the theoretical concepts into practice.
2nd day – Saturday, November 23, 2024
On the second day, GM Marano began with the practice and correction of the I dan patterns and insisted that the execution of the movements be realistic.
Then, he asked the attendees if it was necessary to explain and show the techniques in another way because, he continued, it is the Instructor’s responsibility that the student learns.
After a short break, he continued with the 2nd dan patterns.
In parallel, Masters Izquierdo and Casero were in charge of directing some warm-up exercises and kicking techniques with and without the use of accessories, emphasizing the use of appropriate tools, correct distances and correct angles, in case of their application in the Patterns.
Later, GM Marano continued with face-to-face techniques and put special interest in explaining the concept and the purposes of the practice of the 3-step sparring.
Continuing with the face-to-face techniques, he gave way to the 2-step and 1-step techniques, and explained the main differences between them and the correct procedures to perform them.
Continuing with the content of the previous day, M. Casero spoke about the need to make an evaluation of the elderly in terms of health and that all students have a medical certificate.
A series of activities were also carried out to train and improve memory, coordination and balance.
The main topic was the initiation into Taekwon-Do and its relation to the Children’s Skills Games, the type of events designed and developed by the Children’s Development Committee for this purpose.
The activities and games carried out served to explain how to train different general and specific skills, according to the ages and stages of development of the children.
During this session, M. Izquierdo provided information about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, he also shared material prepared by the Inclusion Committee about Hypoactivity, the symptoms and, mainly, he offered recommendations on how to work in a Taekwon-Do class with children who present this pathology.
3rd day – Sunday, November 24, 2024
After a warm-up by GM Azucena Zorzón, GM Marano worked with the 4th to 6th dan categories.
In parallel, M. Gastón Casero worked on various exercises of stretching, strength, coordination and skills applied to Taekwon-Do with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dans.
Next, M. Izquierdo led a work to apply attack and defense techniques of the different Patterns in the 1-step sparring.
Later, all attendees participated in a round of questions about all the contents of the courses.
Finally, before the official closing of the Event and the delivery of the certificates, GM Marano performed and participated in a series of exercises and defense work against attacks made by various opponents.
The final words of all the speakers were dedicated to thanking those present and each of the organizers.

Dear, could you write me information (resend proposition) about next Quadruple Course?