On Sunday 9th June ITF England held its EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire (just outside of London) to vote in a new board for the term 2024-2027. At the meeting incoming President Master Philip Lear thanked the outgoing President Master Anthony McKenna for his two terms serving as President and presented him with a gift. The following officers were voted in:

President: Master Philip Lear
Vice President: Master John Archer
Secretary General: Mr Michael Turner
Treasurer: Mr Adam Monks
Board Members:
Master Tom Denis
Mr Neil Malhotra
Dr Jeff Brider
Ms Sally Gleaves
Mr Nicholas Edmunds
Before the EGM took place ITF England members benefited from an excellent seminar with England’s two 9th Degrees, Grandmaster Ellis and Grandmaster Nardizzi. The two-hour training session brought together almost 80 participants from 14 affiliates, there were six 8th Degrees training on the floor as well as . It was an excellent morning learning from our highest ranked instructors with plans to continue with running similar sessions in the future.