Dear Family of Taekwon-Do ITF:
The year closes with a sense of fulfillment by the accomplishment, that good feeling that leaves us having done our job and that is reflected in the achievements with a steady growth in the number of affiliates, the quantity and variety of courses performed and in the growing number of countries that recognize the ITF Taekwon-Do as a sport at official level.
All these results are possible thanks to the wonderful group we are composed of and that we carry out this passion called Taekwon-Do, as a banner to leave our mark on society.
Today more than ever, we can be sure that our Founder would be proud of us, our commitment and all those fruits obtained.
The Children Program is already underway, with great success and this is just one step to cover the age spectrum which transcends the way of our art. To complete it, in 2015 the “Harmony” program will be released which will be aimed to a public of senior people that I believe will open the doors to the practice to a whole new universe of people that will be able to enjoy our art safely through a wonderful adaptation.
Also expecting us, a new concept related to the competition which will take the form of a new course called ICC (International Competition Course), which will be led by GM Bos and will be offered as a new service for our black belts, besides the traditional and successful IIC lead by GM Marano, close to get to number 100 in Aberdeen, Scotland in March, 2015.
This time represents the end of a wonderful year, but at the same time indicates the beginning of a new one.
Therefore, let’s regain the strength during these festive days resting for all that comes in the immediate future, which will be even better if we continue on this path.
Finally, I want to make a toast for each one of you, wishing you all enjoy in good health and with passion every moment, surrounded by your families and closer than ever to your loved ones and to Taekwon-Do.
With all my affection
Pablo Trajtenberg