Results of the 2007 Survey of NAs and ANAs:
What we have achieved in the last four years

From left to right: (1st row) Master Thomas T. MacCallum, Master Pablo Trajtenberg, Master Trân Triêu Quân and Master Willem J. Bos, (2nd row) Master Javier Dacak, Mr. Juan Ferrando, Mr. Tadeusz Loboda, Master Paul Weiler, Master Michael Daher, Master Clint Norman and Mr. Norman Bernard.

The Board of Directors preparing the next ITF Congress in Quebec City during their last meeting at the beginning of March in Rome, Italy.
In this message I will be giving you an overview of what your ITF team has accomplished since we were elected four years ago. At that time, in my inaugural speech as President of the ITF, I described my vision of the ITF in the future: an organization that is centered on the Taekwon-Do values and philosophy and, at the same time, sensitive to the needs and wants of its members.
Recently, the representatives of all ITF National Associations and Allied National Associations were asked to complete a detailed survey to gauge their level of satisfaction with our services. I am pleased to say that almost all of the active affiliated associations have returned a completed survey to the ITF, which means that this survey truly reflects the opinions and concerns of our affiliated organizations.
Thank You!
Participating in the survey involved a number of hours of work by each representative who responded on behalf of his National Association or Allied National Association, and I would like to thank all of them for their interest and for striving to reflect accurately the opinions and concerns of their organizations.
Thank you also to the many individuals who participated in the preparation of the survey and the compilation of the results. As you can imagine, a lot of time and hard work goes into the preparation of a detailed survey, and of course there is even more work to do compiling the results.
We made the decision to devote the necessary resources to this project because it gives us a valuable management tool that we will use to identify priorities and set objectives for the future.
Over the last four years we have made a number of changes in the structure of the ITF and the way it functions. In general, these changes have been welcomed.
This survey gave our National Associations an opportunity to review what has been done over the last four years and tell us what they need and want. The survey form included ample space for comments, so they were able to mention any subjects that concern them.
Support for the changes that have been made is strong, but it is important that we be aware of any negative reactions as well. Some respondents commented about their organization’s dissatisfaction about certain changes, and we thank them for their honesty.
The Results of the Survey
It is indeed a pleasure for me to reveal the results of this survey, which asked our affiliated organizations to indicate their rate of satisfaction (or otherwise) with most of the ITF’s activities.
When asked about their general satisfaction about ITF operations, 91% of respondents replied “satisfied” or “very satisfied” about the roles and achievements of the ITF team and the administrative services provided. Ratings for other aspects were all above 80%.
87% told us it is “important” or “very important” to work for recognition from GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations) and the IOC (International Olympic Committee).
I find it encouraging that 88% of respondents indicated their satisfaction with the ITF Website. Because 84% are willing to submit news from their region at least once every three months, we will soon be able to post more news from around the world. There is also a lot of interest in making the Website more interactive and adding new sections, such as reference sources, success stories, motivational quotations, and a section for young people.
A committee has already been formed to work on the section for young people, which will be coming soon. We will continue to work to make the Website more informative and user-friendly.
A media kit sent out to all affiliated organizations included a poster, a calendar, a template for business cards, and a card listing the tenets of Taekwon-Do. Overall appreciation for the media kit was 97%.
Only 74% reported receiving TKD Generation magazine, and only 50% of respondents were satisfied with the distribution of the magazine. It is important to point out that each affiliated association in good standing receives a quantity of copies of the magazine and, to be fair to everyone, the number of copies is based on that association’s number of teaching plaque holders.
On the technical side, the most requested subjects to be included in the International Instructors Courses are teaching techniques, training for 4th degree and higher Black Belts, and how to integrate the teaching of the Do in classes.
Teaching the Do is obviously a prime concern: 98% said they are convinced of the benefits of teaching the Do, while 88% want to learn how to teach the Do effectively.
The need for ethical guidelines is also very clear. It is considered particularly necessary for:
- those responsible for teaching children and adolescents – 92% of respondents,
- administrators of ITF-affiliated organizations – 88%,
- coaches and competitors – 85%.
And 83% indicated an interest in ethics workshops.
In general, satisfaction ratings are high. Personally, I am pleased to note the interest shown in the topics discussed in the President’s Message every two months. Knowing these messages are read and appreciated gives me additional motivation to continue.
The above are just some of the highlights of the survey. A detailed analysis of the results will be made available to all affiliated organizations.
Looking to the Future
You may recall that at the Congress meeting in Warsaw in 2003, in my inaugural speech as President of the ITF, I described my vision of a great future for the ITF and its members. (Click here to read that speech.)
Two years later, at the 2005 Congress, I reviewed our achievements in the first two years of our mandate and outlined our plans for the next two years. (Click here to read that speech.)
Reviewing those speeches now, I can only say that I am happy and proud about what we have been able to accomplish in four years. Although the plans I mentioned in those speeches may have seemed ambitious at the time, most of them have been realized and others are well under way.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported and encouraged me and the other members of the ITF team.
We hope to have the privilege of leading the ITF through the next phase of its development. I trust we can count on your ongoing support and cooperation as we work together with you to make the ITF the best it can be!
ITF World Championship – Québec 2007
This World Championship, which will take place in Québec City (Canada) soon, is a good example of how we listen to our members and adjust our planning accordingly. The Organizing Committee concentrated on the activities that our National Associations indicated are important. We found sponsors and organized those activities.
The event will start on Sunday May 27th with the Coaching Seminar. Competitions will take place from Thursday May 31st through Sunday June 3rd. Other activities will include the Opening and Closing Ceremonies as well as workshops, a mass outdoor training session, and the Hall of Fame Banquet.
We understand that not everyone can travel to Canada to experience this event. This is why we are so pleased to be able to offer daily live coverage on the World Wide Web. The daily Webcasts will offer ultra-high-speed audio-video transmission from a static camera on each of the seven rings and is available for a very reasonable price. Why not subscribe to this service and then invite your family and friends to follow the action with you?
An on-site press room will offer facilities for journalists covering the Championship and, at the end of each day of competition, press releases and photographs will be transmitted to the international press agencies. In addition, a documentary about the ITF – including footage of competitions at the World Championship – is being produced.
The World Championship will result in increased visibility for the ITF. In fact, when an event is well-organized and successful, the credibility of the whole organization is enhanced.
I am very proud of the great job done by everyone working on the arrangements for this event. We are striving to make this the best World Championship ever and look forward to welcoming everyone who visits Québec City for this event!