Our Action Plans for the Continuing Development of the ITF (May & June, 2006)

Objectives & Action Plans
We are now well into the year 2006, and the next ITF Congress Meeting will be held just over one year from now in Quebec City (Canada). This means that the ITF team that was elected three years ago is nearing the end of its current mandate. Much has been accomplished, but we will continue to work together with our members to make the ITF an organization that we can all be proud of. You will recall that in my acceptance speech when I was elected president of the ITF at the 14th Congress in Warsaw (Poland), I described my vision of the ITF as a democratically-operated, well-structured organization dedicated to helping its members to develop Taekwon-Do in all its aspects and providing the services its members want and need. (Click here to read the speech.)
Since then, there have been many positive changes. In the President’s Report to the 15th Congress held in Dortmund (Germany) in July of 2005, I described many of our accomplishments. (Click here to read the report.) Of course there is always room for improvement, and we are working to provide customized services that will respond to specific needs.
The members of the ITF Board of Directors and the Chairs of the Standing Committees have been working together to set the objectives for the next thirteen months and to identify action plans to help us achieve those objectives. Our 2005 survey of National Associations revealed a number of matters of particular concern to our members, and we have oriented our planning to give priority to those matters. (Click here to read about the results of the survey.) In addition, with the experience we have gained by operating the ITF for the last three years, we have been able to target a number of issues that need to be resolved.
I am pleased to give you a brief overview of some our plans for the next twelve months:
- Communications
- continue to improve the Website by adding relevant links, announcing promotions of 4th degree and higher, introducing a new section for younger practitioners and an online job search service
- promote the ITF to potential new members
- offer tools to help NAs with promotion (creating a Website, posters, press releases, media kits, information documents, etc.)
- Administration
- identify improvements necessary to make the ITF an even more democratic and transparent organization
- continue to defend the ITF by legal means when necessary
- heighten awareness that ITF certification is a prerequisite to obtaining national diplomas
- define a policy for Honorary Black Belts
- Finances
- improve follow-up on payment of fees to increase revenue
- find private partners and sponsors to provide discounts to members
- find an airline to sponsor travel for the 2008 world tour of the Demonstration Team
- Development
- support the NAs efforts to obtain legal and government recognition
- assist the NAs for their development planning and activities
- prepare an information package to introduce the ITF to potential new country members
- organize a Leadership Camp covering the technical, administrative, and entrepreneurial aspects of operating a Taekwon-Do organization
- initiate ITF activities in Africa
- Technical
- set qualification criteria for International Instructors
- produce a guide to the testing process, with minimum standards for grade and Black Belt promotions
- expand the program of the International Instructors Course
- conduct an inaugural seminar on Teaching the Do at the 2nd World Cup to be held in Benidorm (Spain) by the end of October this year
- select the members of the Demonstration Team
- assign access codes for the Instructors section of the Website to holders of instructors’ certificates
- add action sequences (video clips) to the Website
- Masters Promotion
- implement the policy for promotion to 7th degree and higher
- Tournament
- consider adding certain special techniques at the World Cup
- study the use of an electronic umpiring system
- set qualification criteria for umpires
- establish qualification standards for the World Cup and World Championships
- Ethics & Discipline
- define procedures for dealing with complaints
- produce an ITF Code of Ethics
- prepare a protocol manual
Policy about NAs and ANAs
We recently completed an official policy about National Associations and Allied National Associations in the ITF. This policy sets out the responsibilities of ITF National Associations and Allied National Associations and will be a guide to assist them to work together in harmony, as ANAs are expected to amalgamate with their NA after a four-year transition period.
By recognizing ANAs in countries where there is already an ITF NA, we are opening the door for many independent Taekwon-Do organizations that are interested in joining the ITF. They tell us they are looking for professional operations, policies that are clear and fair for everyone, excellent service, no politics or infighting, International Instructor Courses, and an organization that can help them develop. They are attracted by the importance we put on ethical conduct and the teaching of the Do as well as our vision for the future. Recognizing ANAs is another way to achieve our goal of making ITF Taekwon-Do available to everyone around the world.
Just last week, the ITF Board of Directors accepted the Norway Taekwon-Do Association (NTA) as an ANA, with 6 000 members. The NTA, under the direction of Mr. Per Andersen, has 340 active black belt holders with 325 from 1st to 3rd and 15 from 4th to 7th degree.
The policy about NAs and ANAs will be going out to the ITF-affiliated National Associations shortly. Those who wish to know the full details of the policy should contact the Secretary General of the ITF, Master Thomas MacCallum, or their National Association.
Suggestions for Upcoming President’s Messages
In the 2005 survey 91% of NA representatives who completed the survey answered “good” or “excellent”” when we asked if they read the President’s Message on the Website. Wherever I travel, members often talk to about subjects mentioned in the President’s Messages on the ITF Web site. I find it very encouraging that so many of you read these messages and that you think seriously about the topics discussed. Here is a list of topics that I am considering for future messages:
- The examination and qualification process;
- The numerous benefits of practicing Taekwon-Do;
- Why the ITF supports and promotes competitions;
- How to implement teaching the Do to our students;
- Teaching Taekwon-Do as a career;
- Why the ITF needs a multi-level organization and the role of each entity;
- ITF programs for development;
- Strategic planning on a macro level and a micro level.
Quebec, Canada, March 22, 2006
Master Trân Triêu Quân
ITF President