My priorities to develop the ITF in the four coming years

First, I would like to thank the members through their national delegates for my re-election at the last Congress in Quebec City on June 1st 2007 as President of ITF along with my team. We highly appreciate for your trust. I believe that the concrete achievements made during the first term met the expectations of our members. We will be honoured to continue serving the ITF for the next four years under the slogan “Keep on working together to build a great future for the ITF“.
Beyond overseeing the ITF operations according to the ITF Constitution and By-Law No.1 and working closely with the ITF Executive members on a day-to-day ITF affairs, my priorities as ITF President for the next four years can be resumed in the four following axis:
- Promote and provide assistance for the democratization process in the ITF and its affiliated organizations:Our mission is to develop the ITF further, in the footsteps of our late Founder General Choi Hong Hi, according to the philosophy of our art by building a better and peaceful world with justice and freedom and human values through our Tenets of TKD (courtesy, integrity, self-control, perseverance and indomnitable spirit). The continuous application of the democracy will allow a stability of our organizations and a better participation and motivation since principal human rights are respected.As we initiated the first steps of the democratization, I have often spoken about the subject, notably in the President’s message; we have implemented the Robert Rules in our meetings and operations; Dr. Janel Gauthier gave as topic during the ITF administrative continuing training program a very interesting seminar on the democracy applied to our organizations. Dr. Gauthier’s seminar was presented last May 29th at the occasion of our World Championship in Quebec City. The PowerPoint presentation of this seminar is available upon request.Our goal is to have the rules of democracy applied to all structure levels of our organization including our affiliated organizations from local to international. We must work continually to improve our operations with this vision. It is essential that all members be allowed to exercise their rights and to participate actively without discrimination.
- Promote and support the teaching of the Do:According to the recent 2007 ITF Survey to which more than 50 national associations have participated, the development of the teaching program for the Do is well appreciated by almost everyone.In the last four years, the ITF has benefited from the hard work of the Working group for the development of the program of the Do and of the teaching material. I intend to edit a book about the Do and the teaching of the Do, within one year from now.
- Promote the ITF in different parts of the world by bringing new countries in the ITF, particularly for Africa and Asia and support the existing national organizations to grow:We have significantly increased our membership. Our approach is to deal with structured and pro-active organizations to follow our ITF rules and to take part in our activities rather than individuals in order to ensure stability and to strengthen the ITF. We also support and encourage the Continental Federations to work with us to continue developing larger and stronger membership in their continent. For the near future, I would like to put particular attention to the African continent where our organization is less present but where there are many ITF practitioners.
- Increase the visibility of the ITF on the international scene, particularly with the GAISF, IOC and with major media:Created in March 22nd 1966 to govern internationally the TKD matters, the ITF is the original federation. As you know, we have developed an excellent product to offer and with a good structure in place, we can succeed in earning more recognition and making our organization better known.We have invested many resources notably during the last World Championship in Quebec City to produce a lot of good and high-quality material, notably broadcasting tape and DVD to facilitate the promotion of ITF Taekwon-Do in your country and the learning of our updated ITF techniques.We have produced an ITF documentary which will soon be available so that all our affiliated organizations can use for presentation.

Finally, I would like to invite you, if you haven’t done it yet, to have a look at my report of the realizations of my direction team that I presented at the last ITF Congress.
Have a wonderful summer!
Master Trân Triêu Quân
ITF President
Quebec City, Canada, July 13th, 2007