President’s Messages – Launching the Updated ITF Website

It gives me great pleasure to announce that today we are launching the new version of the ITF Website. The site has been updated and improved for the use and enjoyment of our members and of cyber-visitors from around the world. The address of the Website has not changed. You will find it at and
The ITF leadership has made it a top priority to offer the high quality services its members need and want. In a recent ITF survey, a large majority of the National Association leaders indicated that they consider the ITF Website a strategic information tool that must continue to develop and improve. Your ITF team is well aware that you expect quality services and innovation, and I am sure you will agree that this new version of our Website delivers both.
The new site has been designed to be more user-friendly and easier to navigate, allowing us to add content and making it more enjoyable for you to use. The number of ITF members is growing, and your ITF team is working to build a cohesive membership. Many changes have already been made: Now that more courses are offered in more locations, members have increased opportunities to learn and progress. There are more and better tournaments and many additional activities. And more changes are planned for the future. To reflect the growth and development of our organization, it is important that we continue to update and upgrade our Website regularly.
Some new services will be offered. For example, holders of Instructor Certificate Plaques will receive personal access codes, giving them privileged access and the possibility of downloading technical and teaching materials. We are also planning to add a new program for our instructors: “Business Opportunities and Contracts for Teaching” in other countries. A special section for our younger members is in development.
Following an invitation to submit proposals, the ITF Executive Committee chose Mr Witold Brzozowski of Poland as the new Webmaster of the ITF Website. We wish to thank him for engineering this updated site. He has put a lot of thought into the conception of the new Website and many hours of work.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Germain Painchaud and Mr. Fabien Chiret. They were instrumental in getting the first version of up and running, and they collaborated with our new Webmaster to ensure that the transition to the latest version proceeded smoothly.
Mr. Jean-Marc Demers, Chair of the ITF Communications Committee and Editor-in-chief of the ITF Website, will continue to be responsible for the contents of the Website. You will recall that, according to By-Law No. 1, article 4.3 c), the Office of the President “is responsible for communications (media interviews, Web site, press releases; ITF News and other publications)”, while articles 4.9.6 a) and b) state that the Communications Committee is responsible for developing, maintaining, and updating the Website.
I am sure the new ITF Website will more than meet your expectations. As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. Please send them to me at [email protected].
Master Trân Trieu Quân