President’s Messages – February 2004 Message

I would like to address a very important subject. As you are no doubt aware, we have been working hard to modernize the operations of ITF since the election of your new Board of Directors at the Congress Meeting in Warsaw (Poland) last June.
After in-depth discussions and consultations, the Congress Meeting approved the up-dated Constitution. The Board of Directors elected at that Congress Meeting subsequently approved By-Law No. 1, which was prepared in conformity with the Constitution.
So we now have two important tools: these two documents provide the legal structure essential to the operation the ITF as a democratic institution.
What does this mean to you, as an individual member of ITF?
- It means that your Board of Directors has taken a huge step toward giving you the efficient, transparent administration we promised.
- It means that ITF has clearly stated the principles that guide its operations, always in the respect of the fundamental principles of the martial arts.
- It means that the same principles and rules will be applied to all decisions taken by ITF and its affiliated organizations around the world, guaranteeing fairness.
In summary, we are transforming the vision for the future of ITF that I described in my speech (120 kB) to the Congress Meeting into a reality: a democratic organization operating according to fundamental principles to give its members what they want and need.
One of the most important roles of the Board of Directors is to ensure that the Constitutionand the By-Laws are respected and applied.
This means that all decisions and actions by those operating the ITF and its affiliated organizations must be based on the principles outlined in the ITF Constitution, the mode of operation described in By-Law No. 1, and all policies and procedures developed for the application of those two documents. I am counting on the cooperation of everyone involved to make this so.
Working together to build a great future for ITF and its members!
Master Trân Trieu Quân
Black Belt 8th Degree
ITF President