Between sessions at the recently completed 154 IIC in Denver, Colorado, members of the Business and Marketing Committee, Dr Olga Shurchkov and Sabum Ryan Rampair had several meeting with the President, Grand Master Paul Weiler and Senior Vice President, Clint Norman.
A number of important projects that have been in development for the past two (2) years was discussed.
The launch of these projects will have a major positive impact in supporting our global instructor base.
Projects discussed where the ITF TKD App, which will help instructors better manage their schools and two (2) new online courses to help Dojang owners, National Administrators and International representative who attend congress and interact with ITF HQ better understand their roles, responsibilities, and what is expected of them from these interactions.

Dr Shurchkov having a background in education will be leading course design of this project.
The delivery of these courses will be managed jointly by the Business and Marketing Committee (BMC) and Development and Communication Committee (DCC).
Greater collaboration between the BMC and DCC was also discussed as a number of upcoming projects require joint efforts by these committees.
The BMC was also invited to participate in a presentation of a California based technology company who has interest in the digital learning space and its application to Taekwon-Do.
Dear Sir/Mrs My name is David Charlton from England. I would like to propose to make an issc international step sparring course which can help people fully understand step sparring and why we do it for. I’ve been a body guard and bouncer for over 20 years experience. I know what works in a real situation thank you so much