Ciechanow, Poland, 01-02.02 2025, Polish Taekwon-Do Association
A good man combined with a good technique – this is the essence of true Taekwon-Do. CHOI HONG HI
At the beginning of February at Dojang Matsogi Ciechanow, Michal Korzybski (VI Dan) coach of the Polish National Team from 2002-2015, organized a seminar led by GM Jerzy Jedut (IX Dan). The training was exclusively for Instructors with 1st Dan and above.
The seminar was an opportunity to perform all 24 forms together, from Chon Ji to Tong Il, and to analyze in depth the technical details, especially the higher forms: Yeon Gae, Ul Ji, Moon Moo, So San, Se Jong, and, of course, Tong Il.
The intention was that instructors with higher degree would have the opportunity to perfect techniques that they don’t train on a daily basis while conducting classes in their own clubs, when their main focus is on teaching others, teaching color belts.
The seminar program was divided into three parts. The first block of exercises involved instructors working with fundamental techniques, drills, perfecting the individual components and combinations included in the layouts. Discussing technical details and perfecting parts and the whole of the forms.
The second block of exercises included difficult movement sequences (very rarely performed), from the higher tuls of Taekwon-do.
The third block of exercises included contact training of selected single hand techniques and their combinations, real application of techniques from forms with a partner, and potential application of selected techniques from tuls (in combinations) with multiple opponents. This block of the seminar ended with a Marathon of 24 tuls non-stop, i.e., with breaks of a maximum of 15 seconds in between. Tong Il tul was performed by 14 people (IV Dan and above), including GM Jerzy Jedut and GM Tadeusz Łoboda as well as Master Jaroslaw Suska, Master Jacek Wąchała and Master Sławomir Kamola.
GM Jerzy Jedut acquainted Instructors in Poland with the recommendations and the latest technical suggestions of the ITF Technical and Instruction Committee, of which he is a member. Each seminar participant received a handout from GM’s Jedut- knowledge in a nutshell, on the following topics: distances in jumping hand and foot techniques in forms, and heights of foot techniques and hand position in forms.
The Dojang Matsogi Ciechanów held 3 trainings of 2.5 hours each with the possibility of individual consultations with GM Jedut after each training. The seminar was attended by 50 Instructors from Poland and Ukraine (6 people). In the midst of this group, a large group of 15 people were Women Instructors headed by the coach of the Polish National Team – Dorota Mazur (VI Dan).
GM Jedut, who led this seminar and who programmed each of the 420 minutes of this training, rated the technical level of the Polish and Ukrainian instructors as high. In this diversity of experience, age, sophistication, physical condition, mental knowledge – each of the instructors brought his or her part to the seminar – GM Tadeusz Łoboda, Master Jaroslaw Suska, Master Jacek Wąchała, Dorota Mazur, Marcin Wołosz, but also young instructors, to name just a few of this group.
GM Jedut summed the semianr up commenting: “We were together, which is extremely important to me, because I miss what used to be natural, namely unity and real, physical meetings. With a commitment like the one in Ciechanow, we all learned from each other, we trained TOGETHER.”
GM Jurek Jedut, Lewart Lubartów
Michał Korzybski, Matsogi Ciechanów
design: TKD LIVE
photo: M. Żmudziak & Ł. Dużmański