The First Online Psychology Sports Workshop was held on Sunday 20 of June.
With more than 55 participants from 10 different countries we have had an amazing first experience sharing the fundamental topics o the sport psychology. Also, the seminar was attended by the President (Grand Master Paul Weiler), the Senior Vice-President (Master Clint Norman), the Secretary-General (Master Tadeusz Loboda), and many Committee Chairs.
The seminar was conducted by the Sbn. Prof. Janel Gauthier and SBN Leonardo Oros Duek, psychology sport of Wingate University.
The workshop made focus on the main topics of psychology and how to improve the performance of competitors, coaches, and their relationship.
Slides, video clips and different exercises, were used to help participants better understand the information presented during the workshop.
As it was an online workshop, participants were encouraged to interact with the speakers and use the in-meeting chat to share their own thoughts, opinions and ideas during the workshop. Their response was great and the content of their chat messages showed that they were very receptive and engaged in the workshop.
The central material exposed was shared by email with all the participants.
The excellent reception of the proposal confirms the importance of these topics and invites us to propose new editions for the coming months.