The President of the Kyrgyzstan Taekwon-Do Federation, Nurisa Mambetalieva, took a long journey to attend the IIC 154 in Westminster, Colorado, USA, located in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado, to fulfil the requirements for her 7th Dan examination. On Sunday, June 26, 2022, she faced the Grand Masters of the examining committee and was successfully promoted to an International Master of the ITF.
With this, she was not only able to complete a long journey for herself, but also to set an example for all women in the martial art of Taekwon-Do in Central Asia. The ITF wishes her all the best and much success on her further path in Taekwon-Do.
Congratulations to Master Mambetalieva, the Kyrgyzstan Taekwon-Do Federation and the entire Central Asia region!
I wish her all the best and continued success