As we move into 2024 the Allied National Taekwon-Do Association Australia Inc. (ANTAA) creates history staking claim as the only ITF National body led by two female members. Master Adeline Cheong VII Degree who was promoted on 1 Dec 2023 is now the only female ITF master in Australia. Working alongside her as vice president is Sbn Suzanne Moore (Australia’s only female V degree). This in itself is a great achievement with Taekwon-Do historically being a male dominated sport and leadership roles very often being filled by males.
Master Cheong and Sbn Moore were elected at the ANTAA Annual General Meeting on 4 February 2024 where Sbn Paul Raymond VI Degree was appointed Secretary, Sbn Michael Hayward VI Degree, Treasurer and Master George Gabrielides VII Degree, Sbn Michael Harwood, VI Degree and Sbn Michael Byrnes, V Degree all taking on the roles as committee members.
Whilst a relatively small association and challenged by geographical distance ANTAA showcased it’s capability in December 2023 hosting a seamless and well supported International Instructors Course in Perth, Western Australia (home to the Headquarters of ANTAA) with 98 participants thereof 32 female participants.
ANTAA was founded in December 2003 and has been led by Master Peter Barbour since it’s inception. Long standing members, Master Cheong and Sbn Raymond have held the roles of Secretary and Treasurer respectively since August 2012.
ANTAA Clubs are situated in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne; it’s membership is currently represented by 21 International Instructors (one VIII degree, three VII degrees, six VI degrees, four V degrees and seven IV degrees). The promotion of two new masters and one new grandmaster is forecast to occur over the next two years.
Amongst it’s achievements in support of the growth of ITF Taekwon-Do, ANTAA clubs have hosted the late Grandmaster Tran Trieu Quan in October 2005, Grandmaster Paul McPhail in March 2009 and Sbn Mark Trotter in February 2018.
ANTAA students have competed in the ITF World Championships in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 and the World Cup 2006, 2008, and 2018. ANTAA was represented by 30 competitors at the World Cup in Sydney in 2018.
ANTAA Committee
Hello ITF News Editors,
referring to this article …
… it includes the following statement,
“Master Adeline Cheong VII Degree who was promoted on 1 Dec 2023 is now the first and only female master in Australia.”
This is not an entirely accurate statement, as there are other female ITF Taekwondo-Do masters across Australia.
Grandmaster Dr. Linda Low, who is associated with ITF North Korea, is based in Perth, Western Australia and was promoted many years ago to the rank of master and then grand master.
Master Jan Taylor is based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and Master Andrea Smith is based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Hence, I am aware of 3 other female masters in Australia. It is possible there are more.
Perhaps consider asking the authors of the article to revise the statement in the article to indicate Master Adeline Cheong is the first female master in Australia associated with ITF in Spain/Europe.
Thank you,
Tim Telcik
Perth, Western Australia
ITF AU-6-32
Dear Sbn Telcik,
Thank you for your comment.
You are correct about other female Taekwon-Do Masters in Australia.
However, as the International Taekwon-Do Federation, we comment and report only on our own members.
Similarly, we would not comment on other sports.
We recognize your comment and modified the mentioned sentence to account for historical correctness.
Best regards,
Daniel Schmidt
Chair of the ITF Development and Communication Committee