Detailed report on the Irish Taekwon-Do Association ( Summer Camp by Master Frank Murphy. Master Murphy started his training in 1974 and was promoted to 1st degree black belt by …
Regional News
Instructor Workshop in Trinidad with Master Gato Gato
Master Gato Gato arrived in Trinidad on Friday 24th June 2016. Mr Ryan Walker from Barbados also came to Trinidad to participate in the workshop. The workshop started at 9am …
Instructor Workshop in Trinidad with Master Gato GatoRead More
Seminar in China with GM Paul Weiler
Upon invitation of one ITF group from China (majority from Beijing) and after discussing it with our President and the TC Chairman, GM Weiler went to Beijing last weekend to …
Grand Master Paul Weiler Seminar`s China 2016
On 21st of May , the May XXI Grand Master Paul Weiler Seminar China 2016 held in HuiZhou (China)by ITF-CHINA was a great success! It was led by Sabumnim …
Open Championship TaekwonDo ITF of Czech Republic 2016
One year ago, the term of next czech championship of TaekwonDo ITF was presented. The most important day for all competitors was approaching very quickly and the time for training …
Open Championship TaekwonDo ITF of Czech Republic 2016Read More
The “Russian Warrior” CUP PROJECT
On 5th March 2016 in the capital of Moscow took place the “Russian Warrior” CUP. This is a start of a new project. In the future we plan that this …