FITAE-ITF (ITALY) FIGHTING COVID19 LOCKDOWNThe pandemic situation in Italy is nowadays going better, the severe lockdown measures produced significant results and now we are looking to the future with hope. …
Regional News
Russian speaking countries Zoom meeting
In this difficult times ITF Board of Directors is trying to do everything possible to as much closer to it’s members. According this policy there are regular meetings with ITF …
Online seminar with Master Willy Van de Mortel and Jorge Gubbels.
The Russia Taekwon-Do Federation do all efforts possible to keep its members updated and motivated during this difficult times. Promote the ones that are doing online trainings and invite famous …
Online seminar with Master Willy Van de Mortel and Jorge Gubbels.Read More
ITA Strategic Plan 2020-2023
At the Annual Meeting held on January 19th, 2020 the Irish Taekwon-Do Association has launched the new ITA Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023. The document is outlining ITA key goals and …
First zoom conference with the leaders of Central and South America.
Today the first zoom conference was held with the leaders of Central and South America. ITF President GM Paul Weiler, Secretary General Master Tadeuz Loboda and Treasurer SBN Leo Oros …
First zoom conference with the leaders of Central and South America.Read More
Virtual Talk about Yul Gok by GM Marano
Organized by Master Omar Merodio, vice president of FETRA ITF Argentina, the first of the 7 virtual talks announced by the National Association was held. It was attended by 100 …