Another great experience of our Women´s Committee. We had 130 participants, 70 males, and 60 females from 30 different countries. The class starter with Master Dionisi with other exercises to …
Institutional News
ITF extends the deadline for Annual Plaques Fee
Dear ITF Members We really hope this Statement finds all of you well. The Headquarters of the International Taekwon-Do Federation would like to inform that according to the decision of …
New info of E-Tournament
Below you will find the information to become an Umpire of the first E-Tournament. Check it out and be part of this great event.
Three Committees, a common idea: better serve to the ITF’s members
In order to develop more and new tools for the benefit of the ITF member Instructors, the chairs of the Kids, Harmony and Adapted Committees, GM Donato Nardizzi, Sabum Gastón …
Three Committees, a common idea: better serve to the ITF’s membersRead More
Encuesta Mundial de Coaches
El Comité de Coaches de ITF se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de una encuesta mundial de coachs, en busca de las opiniones de todos los instructores de ITF sobre …