On Saturday, March 13, and Sunday, March 14, a series of conferences were held on the occasion of celebrating the month of women.
Summary of the world conference by Women’s CommitteeRead More
On Saturday, March 13, and Sunday, March 14, a series of conferences were held on the occasion of celebrating the month of women.
Summary of the world conference by Women’s CommitteeRead More
World Conference:
The power of women in Taekwon-Do
World Conference: The power of women in Taekwon-Do (UPDATE)Read More
On Thursday, March 11, 2021, a new meeting of the ITF Executive Committee with leaders from Central and South America was held by Zoom.
ITF Executive Committee meeting with leaders from Central and South AmericaRead More
Passing away of the President of Czech National Taekwon-Do Union, International Instructor – Sbn. Viktor Stein.
On March 6-7, organized by All Russian Taekwon-Do ITF Federation was carried out an International Adapted Course for Russian speaking citizens.
During the past 6th and 7th of March, the first online QIUC took place, dictated entirely in Spanish by the ITF Umpire Committee.