Everything is ready for the next Center Sudamerican ITF Championship to be the great event that everyone is waiting for.
Full information on the 8th Central-South American ITF ChampionshipRead More
It includes that kind of communication, information, report, knowledge or idea about an event or fact which, due to its importance for the organization, deserves to be kept in a place of notable visibility or prominence within the website.
Everything is ready for the next Center Sudamerican ITF Championship to be the great event that everyone is waiting for.
Full information on the 8th Central-South American ITF ChampionshipRead More
Every week, we will publish a short video with advice and suggestion from the ITF committee chairs for all of our members.
Every week, we will publish a short video with advice and suggestion from the ITF committee chairs for all of our members.
Официальное заявление Совета Директоров ITF После выборов в ITF в Инцелле в апреле 2019 года Совет Директоров и администрация Федерации усердно работает, создавая стратегические и политические планы, новые комитеты, процедуры …
Every week, we will publish a short video with advice and suggestion from the ITF committee chairs for all of our members. Today, we present Professor Dr. Janel Gauthier, Chairman …
On Saturday 25th September we celebrate European Coaches Day. This is an opportunity to give recognition to coaches and instructors for the invaluable work they do, and have always done …
Saturday 25th September we celebrate European Coaches DayRead More