“The emergence of Taekwon-Do as an international martial art in a relatively short period of time was due to a variety of factors. The evils of contemporary society (moral corruption, …
It includes that kind of communication, information, report, knowledge or idea about an event or fact which, due to its importance for the organization, deserves to be kept in a place of notable visibility or prominence within the website.
After four years, report of an intense week in Addis Ababa
After four years, report of an intense week in Addis Ababa
After four years, report of an intense week in Addis AbabaRead More
For the third year in a row, the ITF participates in support of Peace & Sport’s #WhiteCard campaign
For the third consecutive year, this April 6, the ITF participates in support of the “Peace & Sport” #WhiteCard campaign.
April 1st to 3rd 2022, in Sasso Hotel, Mar del Plata, Argentina Republic, took place the 35th Qualifying International Umpire Course (QIUC #35).
World Autism Awareness Day
Every April 2, World Awareness Day is commemorated.
First ITF Anti-Doping Conference
The first ITF Anti-Doping Conference was held virtually with more than 60 participants from at least 16 countries.